First things first, we have had this blog in our drafts ever since December 20th 2017. It is now August 2018. That is how long we have been meaning to finish this post. But ya know. Life. Babies. Yadda yadda. 

Anyway, we’ve been meaning to get this up for ages because its actually one of the most asked questions we get in our DM’s. So without further ado, and before we get sidetracked again, here it is.

These babies get a lot of gifts. Since we had Leo and Belle we have both vowed to always treat the mum as well/instead of the baby. There are only so many babygros one kid can wear (and its always the wrong size/season  for the time of year they’ll fit it!) 

Here then are a list of gifts that we found genuinely useful, that you can add on to a baby gift or get instead. The baby will never know!


If it’s a second baby, the parents will thank you as you have given them a way to treat the first kid (for free). If it’s a first baby, the parents will thank you because they will get fed. 


Similar if not same as above (except for the older kid. Don’t give them coffee.)


We only discovered that pregnant women could eat baked cheese right at the end of our pregnancy. Never the less, any newly not-pregnant woman would not turn down a wheel of French cheese. Gemma was inundated when she gave birth the Ace. Destined to brighten up any newborn fog day. Send via Amazon Fresh. It’s never been easier.


Jeez. A lot of these are food items. But really, new parents need food as they don’t have time to eat. Two people sent these to Sam when she had Alfie and since then, she has sent them to every friend of hers who has given birth. Why? You can eat them with one hand (essential when you have a newborn in your arms), they taste epic and they fit through the letter box.


A muslin is a muslin, right? Wrong. These ones are not only monochrome (tick!), super soft (tick!), wash well (tick!) but they double up as sensory toys for newborns who only see in black and white. (A pack of 3 for £23 or 1 large for £19)


A facial. To your house. While the baby is asleep. OH MY GOD. This is the absolute dream and one we can’t recommend enough. Team up with another friend and treat the new mum in your life. Their hormonal, knackered, tired skin will thank you for it. That and the gift of lying down for an hour and doing nothing is something that has no price!


There is nothing that makes you feel more in control and like you have your shit together when you’re falling apart than glossy nails. A voucher for Ruuby means your mate can book a gel mani or pedi during nap times/with a babe on their boob without having to move from the sofa. She will love you. Use ‘Mothership18’ to get 15% off. 


We both have these. We both couldn’t live without these. This, quite frankly, is all that you really need. Fill the designated parts with nappies, wipes, hand sanitiser, spare vest etc, fold it up and chuck it into any bag. When the time comes, take it out, open it out and it’s a makeshift changing mat that’s handily holding all of your baby changing stuff. (£40)


If you’re buying for a winter baby, this is essential. Unless you have a winter baby you won’t understand how painful/painstakingly time consuming it is getting your baby into it’s winter coat and then out again every time you get in the car (coats + car seats aren’t safety compatible). This fleecy blanket remains in the car seat, it has cut outs for the car seat straps to go through and then you just pop the babe in on top of the Morrk, strap them in nice and safe and wrap the blankets sides around them. Good to go. (£30-36)


Something a little bit different but when you have a babe, the heels are out and the trainers are in. Sam’s husband bought her some new trainers when she had Alfie, monogrammed with both Leo and Alfies initials. Alternatively you could buy a pair for the babe. Just don’t do what Gemma did for a friend and confuse a baby size 5 with an adult size 5!


It’s hardly breaking news that when you have a baby, you spend a lot of time inside, in PJ’s or as good as. But there’s no reason that your slippers and joggers convo can’t be chic. Our motto always is get up, get dressed and feel good, even if you’re going nowhere further than from your bedroom to your lounge. Sam lived in these for the first few months of Alfies life and is pretty desperate for this heat wave to be over in order to sink her feed back in. Honestly, it’s like walking on clouds. Every new mum would thank you for these. One for a group gift for the new mum in your life (£125)


There are a lot of new mummy boxes around but this one is different. Packed with everything from arnica and infacol to chocolate buttons and dry shampoo it’s a new mum edit, edited by a real mum who knows what you need.


We buy this for all of our new mum friends. Honestly, we can’t tell you the difference it makes to your undereyes when layered underneath concealer. We talk about it all the time – see HEREHERE and HERE as an example!! You can see by how well loved ours is how much we use it!

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