Well, thousands of your voted for a resounding yes to sharing my recipe, so here we are. I merged a few different recipes for Aubergine Parmigiana this weekend to get one super easy, super tasty, super quick recipe that you can prep in advance and makes a real change to the usual dinners.


2x aubergines

2x tins tomato passata (I only used one and a half)

Garlic (I used a handful of frozen, chopped)

Mozzarella (I used one large mozzarella ball)

Olive oil





Slice the aubergines and either put in direct sunlight (I left mine to sunbathe for two hours by the window but it was sunny) or drizzle with salt and wait for the water to drain out before frying.

In the meantime, make the sauce. Add garlic to a little oil in a saucepan, a few minutes later add the passata. Let it heat up and simmer until you’re ready to piece it together, season with salt and a spoonful of sugar to reduce the acidity.

Fry the aubergine, until light and crispy on both sides. Dry each off on a piece of kitchen paper.

Start to layer: sauce followed by aubergines, followed by a layer of mozzarella and parmesan and then repeat until the dish is filled.

When you come to the last layer, add some torn up basil leaves.

Cover with foil, bake in the oven at 180c for 30-35 minutes, take the foil off for the last 10 minutes to crisp the top layer up.

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