It’s that time of year when every store goes on sale – which is wonderful if you are a 15 year old girl and love nipping around Topshop at Oxford Circus on a Saturday afternoon, but it’s not such great news if you are (approximately) 30 years old and responsible for some small human beings. We know you don’t have much time in your day and we also know that you love shopping, so we thought we would be of some assistance and give you a little helping hand with navigating the sales.
Here are my top 5 rules for shopping in a sale:
1. You must LOVE the item of clothing
2. Only splash out on items that won’t go out of fashion – trench coats, shirts and great fitting denim.
3. Only buy prints you won’t get bored of – for example, breton stripes and leopard print.
4. Only go for shapes that suit you.
5. Don’t get carried away just because it’s reduced.
Below is an edit of the best pieces to buy right now from Topshop – each item is useful, could be worn for years, can be built around with other basics from your wardrobe and is less than £100! Happy shopping!