A fashion, beauty and lifestyle destination for people short on time.

We get it. Some mornings you just can’t be arsed. You feel knackered, you look knackered, your hair is dirty with no time to wash it and all that’s on your agenda is to get to Waitrose and back without a tantrum on your hands. But these are the days that you always, ALWAYS bump into someone that you don’t want to. Like your husbands ex-girlfriend. Or that boy who dumped you twelve years ago that you really couldn’t care less about but obviously want to look amazing in front of. Anyway, because things like these are bound to happen on the day that you look like death, we have four ridiculously easy ways to make your usual 30 second ‘foundation and not much else’ routine GLOW. Seriously. Each step takes approximately 5 seconds. So you’re adding on 20 seconds to a ‘can’t-be-arsed’ morning that makes all the difference…

Appearing as if you’re not wearing a speck of makeup isn’t the same as not wearing a speck of makeup. Especially if you’re not a 16-year-old Eastern European who won the genetic lottery. When I leave the house without anything on my face, I look ROUGH. The right tricks can make you look like you rolled out of bed with flawless skin, bright eyes, and naturally rosy lips. Lucky for you, we’ve got them all right here.

GET EVEN: Before reaching for the foundation, we use an illuminating primer. We are both obsessed with anything that makes us look glowy and wakes our knackered, dull looking skin up – so for the sake of an extra seven seconds, we’re in! Currently on my dressing table is Estee Lauder The Illuminator Radiant Perfecting Primerit’s like a golden, light reflecting primer balm that rewinds my skin back to it’s pre-motherhood days with one swipe. We both love backstage favouriteMAC Strobe Cream but in this new shade it has more of a warm, golden glow and I recently discovered Becca’s Backlight Priming Filter which significantly brightened my skin on even it’s dullest days. We’re also obsessed with Victoria Beckham’s Morning Aura but it’s sold out. Wah. It’ll be back with her next collection for Estee Lauder in September so we’ll make sure to flag then because this is incred. Gemma, who never used to know what a primer was is now so obsessed she’s scared every morning in case it’s the final pump. If redness is your problem go for a green-tinted primer like Smashbox Photo Finish Colour Correcting Adjust Primerwhich colour corrects and blurs pores and fine lines.

FAKE A FLUSH: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: when you look knackered, reach for the blusher. It adds a healthy shot of colour that peps up an otherwise washed out looking complexion. If your skin is normal to dry, go for a cream blush without any shimmer. If your skin is oily, use powder blush and a domed, densely packed brush. Either way, look for a muted pink or berry tone that looks a little dull in the pot. Trust us, on your skin it’s the best option. Gemma loves MAC Powder Blusher in Pink Swoonand has worn it forever but I’m totally into cream formulas like Tom Ford’swhich though pricey, last FOREVER. And if you use a little on your lips or eyes, it brings the whole thing together in a really effortless kind of way.
STROBE DON’T SHIMMER: Tired skin is dull skin, and the trick to fighting a flat complexion is always highlighter. Pick a cream highlighter over powder; the latter tends to look chalky. Choose champagne for fair skin, gold for olive skin, or copper or bronze for dark complexions. It reflects the light and creates a pretty glow without any sparkle or colour. I’m partial to a stick highlighter because, well, they’re easy to use. I like to call these my Magic Wands – and two of them come in at under £10: Revlon PhotoReady InstaFix Highlighting Stick is so easy to use, Benefit Watt’s Up gives a flattering, soft-focus glow that lasts all day and although not a stick, Topshop Beauty Glow is like a little pot of light for the face – and a total bargain. I found it cheaper on thissite than on Topshop for some reason.
PUCKER UP: Don’t forget your lips. A balm or sheer lip tint is the easiest thing to throw on on days that you just can’t be arsed. For a real treat to yourself (you totally deserve it) you can’t beat Creme de la Mer The Lipbalm. You’ll feel incredibly chic everytime you pull it out of your changing bag, even if you’re sat in the local Costa. Hint to your partner/mum/sister that this will really help pull you out of that ‘woe is me’ slump we all get in.

Plus the minty tingle helps pep you up in the mornings. Loads of reasons to invest!

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