Hello and Happy New Year – oh, and welcome to the fancy new This Is Mothership website!! Hurrah! Our (other) baby has had a makeover of its own.

As well as looking fancy, it’s far easier to navigate now. When we first launched, our two main pillars were Fashion and Beauty but over the years, you guys have asked for much more travel and lifestyle chit chat so we’ve created specific homes (the tabs at the top) for that kind of content to make it much easier for you to search. There’s also a separate tabs for Sofa Sessions so you can catch up on our latest vlogs which include the time we blagged our way into Tamara Ecclestone’s house, the time we danced to Baby Shark with Binky Felstead and our natter with make up artist to real life princesses (one of which rhymes with P Diddy 🙂 ) Hannah Martin. There’s also a Shop section where you’ll find some of our most talked about must haves, all in one place. Will you let us know what you think to the new update to the website?

Onto 2019 and the intentions that we’ve set ourselves. We’re not one for a load of resolutions that we’ll never keep, instead we’ve set ourselves an intention each, that we’re going to (try) work on throughout the year. We’ll keep you updated as we go and we hope that if either of our intentions are something that you want to jump on board with, that you’ll join us by using the #BeyondTheSquares (as this is what we’ll both be up to when you don’t see us on Instagram squares.)

Gemma: Mine is to make a conscious effort to switch off more. Less time with a phone attached to my hand, more time reading a book, being present with my family, having conversations with my husband once the kids are in bed, maybe even writing a book (wink wink, nudge nudge, keep your eyes peeled) I aim to read a magazine rather than let it sit on my bedside table for two months. You catch my drift. The plan is to do airplane mode on my by 9pm during the week, and maybe even (shock horror) un-installing Instagram on some weekends so the temptation is removed. I know we did this almost 2 years ago but I’ve been rubbish at sticking to it recently. I’m trying to persuade Sam, purely because I’ll have FOMO if she’s on her phone and I can’t be on mine. Anyone with me?! I feel like if I have a gang of you lot doing #BeyondTheSquares it’ll make it easier for me. Or like, at least one other person….. 

Sam: I’m fully behind Gemma’s switching off plan but after rediscovering my kindle last year I’ve been spending more time swiping on that rather than scrolling. What I want is to feel ORGANISED in 2019. The issue is that as a household, we need less stuff. I just feel “stuffocated” with all the things we’ve accumulated. Last night I watched ‘Tidying up with Marie Kondo’ on Netflix (anyone watch? Don’t think I’ll watch again tbh) but its prompting me to make changes. I want less clutter. In my mind and in my house. From “the chair” where we dump the clothes that aren’t dirty enough to wash, to the kids toys (I’m going to a full on toy cleanse and donate a lot to nursery and local hospitals) and my kitchen cupboards. Firstly, I’ve had a message on my Mac for months telling me to clear my start up disc (any insight into how?!) so I’m going to start there. I’m going to do it all. Want to join me for the ride? Whether you join me or join Gemma, let us know how you get on by using #BeyondTheSquares (because this is what were both going to be doing when we’re offline)

As always, you’ll find us at Instagram.com/thisismothership, but feel free to email us on hello@thisismothership.com if we can help with anyway.

Happy New Year!

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