With four babies between us, we feel perfectly qualified to give good pram advice. Our top tip is (surprisingly) substance over style when it comes to prams. Yes, you could go for the one that is the most popular, the one that looks super chic or the one that supposedly Chrissy Teigen uses. But in reality, you need one that has a large basket underneath for shoving everything that comes with a baby, that lies flat so that your kid naps, that has a one handle close mechanism because you will not have twenty minutes to dismantle/build a pram in Tesco car park while you kid is crying and most importantly, you need one that will last, because they’re pretty bloody expensive.

First time around we both chose Baby Jogger prams (strange as we didn’t even know each other) I went for the Citi Mini and Sam for the Citi Versa (only difference is that the Versa can be parent facing too) but we passed them onto friends before we fell pregnant with our latest additions. They have a life ahead of hand me downs and toys with pieces missing, so we felt it only right they started out with prams just for themselves.

I went for the Cybex Priam and below their is a quick film to show you why….

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