Shoes can make or break an outfit. And when it comes do denim it can be tricky to work out which shoe style works best. The right footwear can help make a look more flattering, it can help balance out your shape so it creates the illusion of being in proportion.

Here is a guide you can save featuring the 4 most worn denim shapes for Spring/Summer 2024. Remember, as always, confidence is the most flattering thing you can wear, so if what you love isn’t on this guide but it feels good then go for it. However, this is for those who need or want a little guidance when struggling with outfit building.

The shoes are just a reference for style, you don’t need to stick to that exact style, and choosing your shoes in the colour/print/style that you love will add personality & soul to to your outfit. Converse & slim trainers are similar, it’s just that the hi-top element of the Converse work with those particular denim style also.

Email it to yourself, screenshot it and refer back to whenever you are about to dash out the door.

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